Review 583 : Impaled Nazarene – Goat of Mendes – English

Logo Impaled Nazarene

Impaled Nazarene is back to soil us with Goat of Mendes, its new EP.

We have waited four years for some news from the finnish band composed of Slutti666 (vocals, ex-Diabolos Rising, ex-Obscene Eulogy), Repe Misanthrope (drums, ex-Belial), Arc v 666 (bass, Rottendawn, ex-Abhorrence) and Tomi UG Ullgren (guitar, Counting Hours, Diablerie, Shape of Despair, ex-Finntroll).

Two songs: Goat of Mendes and a 2021 version of The Horny and the Horned, from Ugra-Karma, the band’s second album released in 1993 at Osmose Productions, label they never left. If you expect a new recipe from the band, too bad! The short Goat of Mendes begins with an unholy rage and a howling that only the frontman can do, dying this greasy Black Metal with some Thrash shades before a more accessible and federative chorus, then go back to this aggressive rhythmic. The sound of The Horny and the Horned also has this current mix, letting greasiness haunt this epic and violent song’s Old School riffs.

A very short snippet that proves Impaled Nazarene is still ready to fight. Goat of Mendes makes us want blood and above all more riffs, but we have to wait until may 28th for the release of Eight Headed Serpent, the band’s thirteenth album!


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