Review 603 : Capra – In Transmission – English

Capra’s rage is back.

Created in 2016 by Jeremy Randazzo (drums) and Tyler Harper (guitar), the band recruits Ben Paramore (bass) and Crow Lotus (vocals) then begins to work on a quite personal sound. Their first album is called In Transmission

Do you know Hardcore? Good. Do you know Grindcore? Great. Do you know Hardcore? Good. Do you know Capra? It’s a melting of all of this, with as dissonant as seizing influences like [Exordium] announces. The sound is soft, but it leads us to Hollow Doll, a raging, short and violent song. The band’s universe is unveiled with The Locust Preacher, a composition that picks as much into rage as into a raw and catchy sound, then Medusa offers an interesting dissonance. The song gathers Heavy influences and this disturbing melting, like the violent Torture Ship. The song is aggressive and changing, letting the singer have the capacity to scream her discourse, like on Paper Tongues, a both energetic and dissonant song. Hardcore’s energy meets the vocalist’s raw vocals, then the band stays on a thick rhythmic with Mutt, a vindictive track. The song gathers rage and breaks, before Transfiguration, another composition with meaningful screams. The mad melodies burst into fire to give life to an energetic rhythmic, while Red Guillotine gives us the will to tear the crowd apart while the vocalist screams to our face. Deadbeat Assailant continues into this vindictive dynamic that will open pits up, then the album ends with Samuraiah Carey. Outside of puns, the band is really unleashed on this dissonant and raw song, that reconnects with pure acrimony before it suddenly ends.

Capra has things to say, and In Transmission allows the band to do it. Short, vindictive and raging compositions, that let the vocalist furiously place her energetic discourse. You don’t know it yet, but you love the band.


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