Review 705 : Eonian – The Nomad – English

Let’s attend together the birth of Eonian.

Created by Jaume Antuñano (guitar/lyrics) in Spain in 2020, the band recruits musicians from several countries for the release of The Nomad, its first EP, into a large extreme Symphonic Metal style.

The line-up is completed by Freddy Ortscheid (drums, ex-Entrails), DM (vocals, Helioss, Celestial Swarm, Pyogenic…), Francesco Loconte (bass, Koroth, ex-Kormak) and Diego Soldi (orchestrations) as well as many guests from the underground Metal scene.
Five songs for this first EP, that begins with Winter Wanderer, an ice-cold and majestic composition. Violent riffs and howlings are sublimated by orchestrations and soaring leads, then Versus the Titan offers a warlike sound. Once again, orchestrations come to create a seizing contrast, that will be strengthened by a melancholic violin and massive howlings. Cleansing Fire calms minds down with a magical introduction, then fast-paced riffs and aggressive sound come over, throwing us into a storm of violence, while Delirium offers a more heady ambience, mainly with many leads, solos and choirs on the final, that will be some climax of intensity. Shores of a Lost Sea, the last song, also focuses on a pure violence reinforced by orchestrations for an epic epilogue.

For this first EP, Eonian striked really hard. Even if The Nomad is really short, its richness makes it an essential of the year. Alternating Black, Death and Symphonic Metal, the band has a firepower we should not underestimate.


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