Review 868 : Etxegiña – Herederos del Silencio – English

The revolt brews with Etxegiña.

Created in 2019 by Waldo Losada (bass/vocals, Acedia Mundi, ex-Atavisma) between France and Spain, the band calls Titouan le Gal (guitar, Acedia Mundi, Epectase, ex-Oes Galliath) and Prosper Duffours (drums) for its first EP, after a committed single.

Nosotros los Etxegiña’s melancholic melodies immediately mesmerize us, recreating this weighing and epic atmosphere we discovered when it was first released in 2019, with a different mix. Vocals in spanish are vindictive and raw, strengthening the sizing riffs, just like on El Roble que Brota Indemne. The dirty sound brings an Old School touch to those heady melodies, while raucous howlings feed the sound’s blackness and accelerations make us live this journey with the band. La Montaña offers a quiet airy introduction before the rhythmic comes to choke us again, creating an impressive and majestic cloud of sound, that will end to give birth to the haunting Los Cadáveres Insepultos de Albatera, the last song. The rhythmic comes to burden soft and quiet harmonics by drawing from DSBM, then epic leads join the tearing statement (just translate them if you don’t speak spanish, it’s worth it), creating a contrast between beauty and horror before an airy final.

Etxegiña’s universe is quite unusual. Far from Black Metal clichés, the penetrating melodies that live into Herederos del Silencio offer us an epic and melancholic saga inside a scarred Spain.


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