Review 1504 : Revolting – Born to be Dead – English

Revolting takes arms up again with their new album.

Since 2008 in Sweden, the band led by « Revolting Rogga » Johansson (guitar/vocals, Paganizer, Massacre, Echelon, Ribspreader…), Grotesque Tobias (bass) and Mutated Martin (drums) regularly strikes. Here comes Born to be Dead, their eighth threat.

Souls of Sorrow immediately reminds us of what makes the band’s strength: its Swedish influences characterized by a devastating sound. Massive screams quickly follow while leaving a place to the crushing rhythmic as well as the lacerating leads, then Born for Butchery comes to offer a mammoth and unhealthy groove while keeping this disturbing and aggressive touch. The track remains in this Old School and sometimes melodic range as Master of the End which places very melancholic sounds before calling the combo’s aggressive rage again which perfectly sticks to this fatalistic atmosphere. The Suffering follows with catchy and energetic riffs borrowed from the style’s most lively and groovy bases, then Flesh of the Razor Wire comes to bring a touch of simpleness and pure efficiency with catchy riffs within which some leads explode from time to time. The band slows down with Tentacles Come Crawling and its epic tones before going back to a more energetic drumming which will make us shake our heads, just like A Trail of Human Blood which gives an important place to its melodious and heady leads without forgetting the rhythmic’s raw strength which borrows from Thrash and from vocals. We continue with Rotting in the Depths and its scathing harmonics on a true steamroller of riffs which will only slow down to let clean sound call for violence again, but also with The Knowing and its contrasted riffs. Whether the basis is very aggressive, leads are much quieter and they give the sound its heavy touch which will end with the fateful Born to be Dead, the last instrumental composition, which will take the same elements as before to rip our skulls out one last time before letting us come to our senses.

Revolting is known for playing pure Swedish Death Metal, and this is what the band intends to prove once again with Born to be Dead. The album remains faithful to the aggressive and melodious codes for our greatest happiness.


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