Review 1547 : Bloody Falls – Dying is Easy – English

New EP for Bloody Falls!

After the success of their debut album in 2021, Antero Hakala (vocals), Stavros Mathios (guitar), Marko Mäkinen (guitar), Mika Lehtinen (bass) and Rami Vartiainen (drums) continue their adventure with Art Gates Records for the release of Dying is Easy.

Dying is Easy, the eponymous track, is the first to strike with an effective blend of groovy Melodic Death which lets the band dig into the roots of the style with a relatively clean mix. Massive screams meet cold leads and a catchy jerky basis with Scandinavian influences, then Dancing with Flames offers a martial pattern to accentuate the heavy sounds. We find aggressiveness and the energy that we expect from the band again, coupled with well managed vocal parts and dark melodies followed by a fix of disturbing melancholy on Face Your Demise, a composition drawing from dissonant Black Metal influences. A few ambient samples accentuate the majestic sounds as well as the more aggressive accelerations, then Death By Hanging offers us a short introduction to catch our breath before coming back to pure rage with efficient riffs, sometimes coupled with aerial sounds. The crushing rhythmic gives way to dark melodies and piercing leads, then Reaper Is My Neighbor revives a thick groove coupled with jerky patterns to close the EP with effective riffs on which we easily shake our heads.

Bloody Falls remains anchored in the effective mix of groovy and catchy Melodic Death which seduced on their first album to make Dying is Easy a fast EP that can be listened to without difficulty and that easily finds its audience.


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