Review 1643 : Thron – Dust – English

Thron continues its rise.

Formed in 2015 in Germany, the band composed of Samca (vocals), PVIII (guitar/keyboards), Ravendust (guitar), SXIII (bass) and J (drums, Aara, Malphas…) continues their adventure with Listenable Records for the release of Dust, their fourth album.

Dying In The Mud, the first track, does not let us rest and immediately places the band’s dissonant melodies before presenting its abrasive basis, accompanied by raw and straightforward vocals. The scathing leads are skillfully developed between cold riffs before giving way to Return, a track with a rather melancholic introduction which will soon charge with a frantic rhythmic, keeping its dark and gloomy dimension that perfectly fits the band’s aggressive approach. The two parts coexist well together, leading us to The True Belief and its piercing jerky riffs, finally letting disturbing sounds bewitch us, interspersed with effective blast. The Golden Calf appears with more airy elements, creating a real contrast with the following brutal charge, but the track’s length allows it to switch from one to the other by integrating more complex and disturbing patterns, revealing Prog roots while Monologue, the following track, stays in raw efficiency by adding Black/Thrash elements to its wave of violence which will become heavy. The band goes back to dissonant Old School roots with The Eve, an occult composition letting oppressive sound, hazy screams and sharp leads express themselves on energetic patterns, then Into Oblivion offers us a short moment of respite with its soothing introduction. But this moment will not last, as the aggressive saturation gradually resurfaces before drowning us under a wave of dark and raw sounds. The softer final leads us to The Tyranny of I, a composition which naturally shifts from double kick roll to heady melodies with a commanding vocal leading the way before letting us breathe again. The dark and melancholic sounds mix with pure rage on Face of Despair, the next track, creating a real storm of distress and desolation, strengthened by few breaks punctuating it. Dissonance appears again to haunt The Wrong God, a quite accessible and heady track that anchors itself in a rather Old School Black Metal, but also in a soaring Gothic atmosphere, then Martyr, the last track, will add a final fix of oppression in this disturbing and surprising mix before letting some epic elements put the final touch.

Although Thron is still strongly rooted in a raw Black Metal basis, we discover with the long Dust more melodic and airy Gothic elements, creating an intense contrast making the album a fascinating one.


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