Review 1701 : Lamp of Murmuur – Saturnian Bloodstorm – English

Lamp of Murmuur is awakening again.

Created in the United States by American multi-instrumentalist M., also behind Silent Thunder, the project is unveiled to the world in 2019 with a first set of demos. After several releases in the following years, the musician announced the release of Saturnian Bloodstorm, his third album, on Argento Records.

First observation: the mix has changed a lot. While the musician had accustomed us to a muffled and suffocating sound, completed by nearly unreal screams, Conqueror Beyond the Frenzied Fog offers us a much « cleaner » approach, letting harmonics fly above the dark and abrasive basis, from which escape disturbing growls. We also have mystical tones which wonderfully complete visceral sounds, but also colder tones, as on Hymns of Death, Rays of Might, which offers an impressive then rather martial approach. Keyboards sublimate the rawest parts as well as the exhilarating melodies, creating an important contrast with the cries’ virulence. Seal of the Dominator exposes us to an ocean of melancholy strengthened by martial strikes and bright harmonics, but also very catchy patterns, which nevertheless let us breathe before the sound calms down for good on Descending From the Aurora, a mysterious interlude which will become more and more oppressive. Sharp Black Metal will resurface on In Communion With the Wintermoon, but orchestrations are never far away to give the riffs a certain splendor, which also venture into dissonance to better immerse us in their coldness. We even find a few touches of clean sound before saturation comes back to lead us to Saturnian Bloodstorm, the last track, which lets the rhythmic carry us away in this torrent of airy melodies coupled with dreamy keyboards and aggressive vocal parts, but especially with this dark and heady touch until the last note.

Lamp of Murmuur tremendously evolved, but the project still retains an incredibly addictive touch of coldness and darkness. Saturnian Bloodstorm is very easy to listen to, and will captivate an attentive listener.


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