Review 1789 : Eternity – Mundicide – English

Eternity never stops.

Created in Norway in 2003 by multi-instrumentalist Evighet (guitar/vocals), accompaied by guitarist J. Röe, bassist V. Fineidet and drummer T. Ødegaard, the band continues its collaboration with Soulseller Records for the release of Mundicide, its third album.

Journey Towards the Darkside, the first track, features a sound rooted in its Black Metal influences, accompanied by light, heavy orchestrations, complemented by heady patterns and husky vocals. The approach remains relatively raw, as on Under the Gaze of the King with its haunting melodies, retaining the devastating accelerations borrowing from chilling Old School roots, leaving the riffs to lead us into Mundicide, the eponymous track, which seems by far the most pessimistic and heart-rending. The frantic rhythm allows the appearance of hazy vocal parts before becoming even more overpowering then ceasing, allowing Hymn to offer more ethereal tones. The double kick still finds its way into this heady wave of mysterious sounds, sometimes accompanied by mystical choirs which gradually become blasphemous. Gunmetal Sky returns to aggressive energetic tones, borrowing from vivid Punk roots, but dissonance is also part of this wave of rage, followed by the much calmer, soaring Pest! Frykten i den andres øye, which has no trouble cooling the atmosphere, despite its massive drums. The track remains fairly rhythmic, alternating melancholic parts with epic accelerations, and calms down again to let the short O Discordia bring us back into this martial atmosphere with much more virulent jerky elements. The album closes with The Seventh Seal, the longest track on the album, which bewitches us for ten minutes, alternating hypnotic riffs, piercing leads and rocky screams before a suffocating break from which the sound becomes much more soaring again, before completely fading out.

We’ve only had to wait four years for Eternity to offer us a new opus, and this relatively reasonable wait has been rewarded with a chilling, pessimistic and heady Mundicide that won’t give up its secrets so easily.


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