Review 1832 : Dead and Dripping – Blackened Cerebral Rifts – English

Dead and Dripping is back.

Created by American musician Evan Daniele (vocals/all instruments, Anal Exorcism, Vulnificus, Sentient Horror…) in 2016, the project will release two demos and two albums independently before signing to Transcending Obscurity Records and announcing Blackened Cerebral Rifts for 2023.

Tragic Ascent Of Absurdity’s Pale Moon offers an Old School approach, blending characteristic raw sonorities with jerky patterns, complex riffs and muffled vocal parts that sometimes lend mysterious effects while remaining aggressive. Ominous leads drive into Humanoid Statues Parading Condescending Gestures and its unexpectedly energetic harmonics, which meet some heavier but no less technical parts, just as on Aural Interference With Uncanny Subconscious Frequencies, the next track. The contrast between worked riffs and pure brutality is very marked, letting the musician abandon himself to one or the other without ever failing to return to the latter before continuing with Infinitely Plummeting Into Violet Portals Of Delusion and its heady sounds borrowing from Progressive Death. Once again, the abrasive leads are easily integrated with the thick base and massive sounds that accelerate at will, then Hopeless Desire For Reprieve follows to offer us a moment’s respite thanks to ominous cosmic melodies. The sound becomes overwhelming again for Meticulously Unraveling The Serpentine Consciousness, once again combining high technicality with chaotic heaviness from which a few softer leads occasionally escape, but Kaleidoscopic Visions Of Porous Obsidian Eternities accelerates the rhythm to make it even more aggressive, embellishing it with wild grumblings. An unhealthy groove leads into Molecular Degradation Upon Warped Onyx Stoves, which remains in much the same catchy, devastating tones beneath waves of unstoppable blast, which only cease to welcome Hysterical Mirages of Otherworldly Calamity, the final composition, which is sure to add another layer of apocalyptic violence before the sound fades out for good.

Dead and Dripping draws on the arcana of Old School Death Metal, while letting its creator add his own complex and explosive touch, making Blackened Cerebral Rifts a true hurricane of brutality.


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