Review 1959 : Night Crowned – Tales – English

Night Crowned is awakening again.

Formed in 2016 in Sweden, the band features H. Liljesand (guitar, Avdagata, Cipher System, ex-Nightrage, ex-The Unguided), J. Jaloma (drums, Avdagata, Dark Funeral, Ironmaster, ex-Bloodshot Dawn), J. Eskilsson (guitar/vocals, Cipher System), K. Romlin (vocals, Mist of Misery, ex-Disrated) and P. Eldor Pettersson (bass, Despite) announce the release of Tales, their third album, via Noble Demon.

The band attack with the majestic but extremely virulent De Namnlösa, where they welcome Jens Rydén (Thyrfing, ex-Naglfar) to reinforce the vocal parts, effortlessly creating a veritable visceral and dark hurricane. The fury never subsides, even when the rhythm slows for a brief moment, finally giving way to She Comes at Night, a relatively more upbeat track where sublime orchestrations meet impressive riffs. Therése Thomsson (Disdained, Sadauk) joins the musicians for a Folk-influenced break, before letting violence get out again, leading us into Nattramn, an oppressive track that can be quite heavy at times. Airy melodies slip into the heavier passages, before finally returning to solemn keyboards on Loviatar, the next track, which skilfully places wild patterns to complement the blast, creating a contrast with the quieter moments, where clean vocals appear. The musicians follow up with Flickan Som Försvann and its melodious introduction, which eventually gives rise to a catchy rhythm that’s accessible enough, but which grows stronger as it offers the two voices a ravaged playground. Leads ensure an explosive final, followed by the equally lively Strandvaskarens Hymn, alternating fast riffs with more moderate but relatively unsettling passages, and then the cutting harmonics found on Lupus Luna and its aggressive Old School influences. Therése Thomsson once again brings this track a touch of sweetness, which eventually fades out to let Old Tales close this third chapter with an abrasive sound of blast and fast riffs, topped by the massive keyboards and the vocalist’s piercing screams, who literally goes wild.

Night Crowned continues its momentum with a third album just as visceral and devastating as its predecessors. Tales is no slouch, combining Old School roots with majestic keyboards to develop its striking force.


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