Review 2165 : Mære – …and the Universe Keeps Silent – English

Mære sign their first album in 2024.

Following their EP in 2020, the German band comprising III (guitar, ex-Carthago Must Fall), IV (bass, ex-Ingurgitating Oblivion) and V (drums, Fetocide, ex-Ingurgitating Oblivion) join Transcending Obscurity Records to unveil …and the Universe Keeps Silent, featuring the parts of their former vocalist I (ex-Carthago Must Fall).

The band kicks off in complete dissonance with All Those Things We’ve Never Been (The Grandeur of Nihilism), a chaotic and incredibly eerie first composition that lets saturation spring up without warning. Chaos takes its place under raw screams thanks to jerky riffs and unexpected parts, but also desperate cries that will precipitate the track’s fall towards a vocal sample that will give birth to Traumlande (Ascending The Abyss), a rather similar but much slower track. The musicians clearly play on oppression in their apocalyptic rhythm, disturbed by the various voices, then strengthen this unpleasant sensation with chopped-up patterns, followed by cacophonous harmonics before giving way to The Darkness Is Your Mother, which begins as the most « conventional » track on the album. It does contain some strange lead parts, but as it progresses, the track reveals more and more of its subtleties, as well as its offbeat, avant-garde and disturbing sounds, before finally exploding, leading us to Zdrowas Mario (Building The Temple) and its much more aggressive approach, which uses a fast-paced solid blast as a basis for the crazy guitars. The irregular rhythm also plays an important role in fuelling the omnipresent din, which gradually dies down with the arrival of clean vocals, then gives way to Think Of Me As Fire, the final track, which skilfully blends dark rage with heady touches that struggle to temper the fury by covering it with their mysterious veil until the last note.

If you don’t like convoluted unusual sounds, steer clear. Mære is a dissonant oppressive band like there are only a few, and it’s in total chaos that they’ve forged …and the Universe Keeps Silent. Enter at your own risk.


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