Review 2206 : Gorgasm – Sadichist – English

Gorgasm strikes again.

Ten years after their last album, Damian Leski (vocals/guitar, Broken Hope), Matt Kilner (drums, Vitriol, Nithing), Alexander Krzeszewski (guitar/vocals, Vacuus) and John Hull (bass/vocals, Desecrate the Faith, Sadistic Butchering) announce the release of Sadichist, their new EP, on label Brutal Mind.

Carnal Demise first plunges us into anguish with ominous tones followed by the usual eerie vocal sample before the devastating riffs kick in, complemented by savage growls. The riffs slow down only to let the moshparts make us want to punch everything in sight, but the band brings oppression back to life with a dark solo before stopping abruptly to let Sadichist continue the slaughter with a dose of technicality that perfectly complements the extreme brutality. The jerky patterns reproduce the previous track’s bestial atmosphere, which throws us unceremoniously into the complexity of Mutilation Maze, a track where the musicians lock us in waves of heady harmonics before unleashing themselves and molesting us cheerfully. We think the beating is over, but it resumes in a more groovy fashion to crush us one last time by integrating screaming leads until the final release.

We had missed Gorgasm’s violence. Although I’m used to Brutal Death Metal, I can easily recognize the band’s bestial and merciless touch, and with Sadichist they deliver three new tracks to reclaim their place as bloodthirsty tyrants.


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