Review 2266 : Anthropophagus Depravity – Demonic Paradise – English

Hell is calling Anthropophagus Depravity.

Formed in 2016 in Indonesia, the band led by Pandu Herlambang (vocals) and Eko Aryo Widodo (guitar, Death Prophecy) quickly released a first demo, then a split with Implied before signing to Comatose Music.

Today, accompanied by Rama Maulana (drums, Gerogot, Perveration, ex-Depraved Murder) and Yohanes Widiasmoro (bass, Venomous), the band unveils Demonic Paradise, their second album, illustrated by Bvllmetalart (Gorepot, Epitaph, Knife, Massacre, Terrorizer…).

Anthropophagus Depravity is one of those bands from the Indonesian scene who are going back to the basics of 90s Brutal Death Metal as it was done 15,000km from home, with all its codes. In just over thirty minutes, and not even ten years old, the quartet unleash waves of blast and as thick as powerful riffs on ten tracks topped by monstrous howls, with that hint of technicality that perfectly suits the unbridled violence and creates a contrast with the simpler but highly devastating moshparts that seem to me to hold great promise for live performance. As soon as the first track, The Obscure Realm, kicks off, we know that the band will be unleashing massive rhythms, vociferations and devastating patterns for half an hour, with the only « rest » being the disturbing When the Darkthrone Reigns, an interlude where oppression reigns supreme, only to let the fury return on the following track, ending on the last note of Delusions of the Unholy, which disappears into nothingness.

Anthropophagus Depravity draws on Brutal Death Metal legends’ roots to create its own compositions, following the codes of violence to the letter. Make sure you’re ready for Demonic Paradise‘s half-hour of devastation.


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