Review 2272 : Slugcrust – Discharge(d) EP – English

Slugcrust wants to redefine violence.

From their first EP in 2022, the American band has been playing with violence. In 2024, Jesse Byrdic (vocals), Derick Caperton (guitar, WVRM, ex-King Conquer, Aegaeon live), Stacey Williams (bass) and Brett Terrapin (drums, WVRM) unveil Discharge(d) EP on Terminus Hate City.

Grindcore fans are used to short incisive tracks, and that’s exactly what Slugcrust offer here. Out of the five tracks, four are less than two minutes long, but they are truly direct and wild, like The Antitrust, which molests us without stopping before giving way to Feral Natural, a composition twice as long but also much more jerky and groovy under the savage howls. We continue with the dissonant Default Option, which honors its energetic Crust influences, but also features slower, heavier passages, while V4 draws from Death Metal to reinforce its aggressive riffs. The final track, Discharge(d), clocks in at over three minutes, but is much more oppressive and seems to approach Sludge with more virulent explosions, bringing the EP to a close.

If you like Grind, you’ll like Discharge(d) EP. In less than ten minutes, Slugcrust unleashes a wave of saturation, first very fast, then much slower, with a single goal: destruction.


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