Review 2297 : Illdisposed – In Chambers of Sonic Disgust – English

Illdisposed returns to violence.

Since its inception in 1991, the Danish project has evolved its style. Now led by vocalist Bo Summer (vocals, At the Grave, ex-Panzerchrist), accompanied by Jakob Batten (guitar, Defacing God, Infernal Torment), Ken Holst (guitar, Kadavermarch, ex-Crocell), Kussen (bass, Crocell) and Rasmus Schmidt (drums, Killing Gandhi, ex-Maceration), Illdisposed unveils its fifteenth album, In Chambers of Sonic Disgust, via Massacre Records.

Spitting Your Pain begins with an eerie siren call, but the groovy riffs quickly take over, allowing for the appearance of cutting harmonics and furious vocal parts. The track remains fairly accessible, even offering a few majestic keyboards before I Walk Among The Living stomps us with a more massive, aggressive rhythm that remains extremely catchy. Sandie The Lillith (Defacing God) joins the musicians to accentuate the melodious side of Lay Low, a relatively gentle composition led by airy keys, then the sound becomes more jerky on The Ill-Disposed where the explosive rhythm shelters some harmonious leads. The mood remains more or less the same with Flying Free and its bursts of technicality against a backdrop of effective Thrash-influenced riffs, before returning to Old School sounds with Start Living Again, one of the album’s rawest tracks, blending pure rage with the band’s heady signature. The modern break creates a contrast with the rest of the composition, but For Us brings a certain coherence with its galvanizing introduction that makes us want to throw ourselves into the pit for the whole track before returning to Sandie The Lillith for I Suffer, bringing a certain darkness to this heavy track. The band goes wild again on And Of My Hate, which blends all the musicians’ influences to create a veritable vortex of power, but the atmosphere becomes more soaring again with All Electric and its noisy cybernetic effects, which strangely complement the solid rhythm. Pain Suffer Me accelerates all at once to introduce the album’s final riffs, which are sure to energize the atmosphere should the band decide to play this composition live, and create swarms of crazed headbangs.

I admit I’ve only followed Illdisposed‘s evolution from a distance, but I realize that In Chambers of Sonic Disgust has real potential! If the album is already getting nods, I can’t imagine what it’s capable of generating live!


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