Review 2314 : Goat Semen – Fuck Christ – English

New blasphemy from Goat Semen.

Since its formation in Peru in 2000, the band has been constantly challenging the Christian religion. In 2024, Erick Neyra (vocals, Evil Damn, ex-Saram), Wa Han (guitar, Sadowhore) and Goat Hammer (drums, Maze of Terror, ex-R.I.P.), joined by Retrobestia (bass, Blasphemous Division, ex-Morbosatan) unveil their new EP Fuck Christ, on Hells Headbangers Records.

The band attack with full force with Midnight Worship, a wild Old School-sounding first composition that draws as much from unbridled War Metal as it does from bestial Black/Death. The vocal parts are often supported by putrid backing vocals, but there are a few intense bursts of clean vocals, and then the solo takes us to Los Ojos de Judas, where Christianity is once again abused, as are the musicians’ instruments. Blasts and jerky rhythms mingle for two minutes of violence, followed by Fuck Christ, the eponymous composition, which stays in similar raging tones for a relatively equal length of time. Without transition, Heed the Call charges in, bringing an over-the-top Black/Thrash feel to the proceedings, particularly in terms of screaming leads and chaotic vociferations, but the mood is about to change with Prophets of Hell, the last of the five tracks, which alone occupies a third of the EP, and which initially offers a much slower, oppressive sound infused with heavy Doom Metal, but you can guess that it’s rage that drives the band, and that it will resurface sooner or later.

Violence is the one and only watchword for Goat Semen, whose new EP takes War Metal in a Black/Death direction. Fuck Christ is direct and precise: it calls for the most impure rage.


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