Review 2343 : Petit Brabancon – Seven Garbage Born of Hatred – English

Return to Petit Brabancon’s decadence.

With their new EP, Kyo (vocals, Dir en Grey, Sukekiyo), Miya (guitar, MUCC), antz (guitar, Tokyo Shoegazer), Hirofumi Takamatsu (bass, THE NOVEMBERS) and Yukihiro Awaji (drums, L’Arc~en~ciel) go back to experimenting with music. Make way for Seven Garbage Born of Hatred.

move lets us in with driving electronic tones, but the strange dancing atmosphere changes immediately when dub driving reveals the vocalist’s murmurs. The track remains groovy, but is regularly agitated by shouts and jerky riffs that bring the musicians’ madness to life, while the bass hums in the background, ensuring a solid rhythm even when the backing vocals develop more energetic tones, which will eventually give way to BATMAN where we find the disturbing Industrial influences. Kyo‘s roars give the catchy composition that touch of raw fury, and the addition of the dissonant solo also reinforces the aggressive edge found on Gankou and its waves of heavy saturation that frame as best they can explosive vocal parts. We return to the strange with a humble border, which brilliantly blends cybernetic noises and a devastating rhythmic pattern, perfectly serving the vocalist’s versatility, as well as on Mickey, where the musicians don’t hesitate to couple heady grooves with regular eruptions, only calming down with an intriguing break before setting off again with motivating backing vocals. Vendetta delivers a final dose of rampage with elements relatively similar to the previous two tracks, confirming that the band masters its firepower at every turn, and can have us snapping our necks in no time.

Although their influences are very varied, Petit Brabancon makes a point of creating tracks that are immediately catchy and devastating. Seven Garbage Born of Hatred will not only surprise the uninitiated, but also be responsible for many a stiff neck!


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