Review 2355 : Ignobleth – Voidspawn Sacrifice – English

Ignobleth goes to war.

Created by Bloodlord Ixiataaga (bass/vocals), Nex VII (guitar) and Kommander Baal (drums) when they were just 16 and 17, the band signed to Masked Dead Records to unveil Voidspawn Sacrifice, their first demo.

Golgotha VII, the introduction, quickly immerses us in this oppressive climate before Bestial Witchery leads the assault with a grimy mix that allows the musicians to create this wave of thick occult power. Vindictive, jerky patterns somewhere between Black and Death Metal allow the band to speed up or slow down at will, all the while remaining aggressive until the final storm, then we’re back into the anguish of Omen Of A Nuclear Spell, which gets off to a slow start. The thick vocal parts perfectly match the anguish of the moment, but the track cuts off abruptly to let Wrathful Eradication return to a more frantic approach at first, but gradually reverts to a kind of heavy languor and finally explodes at the end.

Despite its youth, Ignobleth does exactly what it takes to give its Black/Death-tinged War Metal an Old School aggression. Voidspawn Sacrifice is an excellent first release for the trio.


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