Review 2360 : Pneuma Hagion – From Beyond – English

New signing for Pneuma Hagion.

After three demos, two splits, an EP and two albums, multi-instrumentalist R (vocals/guitar/bass, Crowhurst, Endless Disease, Intestinal Disgorge, The Howling Void…) and his bandmate Shane Elwell (drums, Amateur Podiatry, Endless Disease, Intestinal Disgorge, Vaginal Bear Trap…) collaborate with Everlasting Spew Records for the release of From Beyond, their third album.

Harbinger of Dissolution literally explodes in our faces with a blend of aggressive Death and Black Metal with groovy Old School patterns, but this wave of raw power slows down to become overwhelming before the final burst that leads to Resurrected Abominations where screaming harmonics make their appearance. The duo quickly return to their blast and double-kick-led cruising speed, letting the guitars develop an ominous atmosphere that sinks into slowness once more, before Lurking Beyond Time And Space follows with more energetic riffs. The tonality of the instrumental remains massive no matter what the pace, and Those Who Obey naturally follows suit, surging in its turn with oppressive dissonance that slows down to let the leads express themselves. A new cadence is set with The Temple Fires, which is immediately very lively, accelerating even further after this sticky break, but the dark final gives the composition a completely different flavor, quickly broken by Aeon and its unleashed rhythm that suddenly shakes us. The final moments calm the band’s ardor, and they ignite again as soon as The Light Of Long-Dead Stars kicks in, recreating that tidal wave of raw strength that comes crashing down on us in waves, as does All Worlds Enslaved, which keep a similar approach while incorporating cutting guitars into its sound block before giving way to Archon, the final composition that unsurprisingly nails us to the floor with its uncontrollable violence.

Although relatively short, From Beyond confirms that Pneuma Hagion have all the weapons they need to make their Black/Death Metal sound chaotic and overpowering. Its inspirations will be obvious to connoisseurs.


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