Review 2550 : Malauriu x Sinoath – Split – English

Sicilian alliance between Malauriu and Sinoath.

Although at first glance the two bands have little in common, their origins aside, they are reunited on this split, released via Doomentia Records.

Malauriu is the first to enter the fray with Scuru, a composition that retains their Black Metal and Darkwave roots but welcomes Regen Graves, usually Abysmal Grief‘s guitarist and drummer, on keyboards. The surprising alliance is ultimately coherent, as the track here takes on a macabre Dungeon Synth feel, daring simple, murky riffs with a half-weak, half-majestic atmosphere, ending with ominous murmurs. Sinoath then attacks with a cavernous Old School mix called Symphony of the Scythe that borrows its savagery from Death and its heavy sounds from Doom, creating a relatively dark and unhealthy mix. Blast-led eruptions of violence punctuate the compositions, which don’t hesitate to let the vocalist run wild or, on the contrary, stay back to place scathing lead parts, but it’s worth noting that keyboards accompany his final moments.

As announced, the two bands, who had few similarities, have joined forces on the path of darkness for this split. Malauriu and Sinoath both have their own universes, but they are anchored in common roots of oppressive darkness.


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