Review 622 : Disembodiment – Mutated Chaos – English

Are you into Old School Death Metal? You’ll like Disembodiment.

Created in 2020 in Canada by Chris (guitar/vocals), Carl (bass/vocals), Math (vocals) and Eric (drums) from Oath Div. 666 who decided to change identity, the band releases Mutated Chaos, its first EP.

The band changed its identity, but also its sound, focusing on a dark and horrific Death Metal, as the introduction let us understand it. Ceaseless Discharge, the short first composition, offers us greasy and impressive riffs, putrid and heavy howlings accompanied by backing vocals, then we continue on Transcendent Upheaval Of Unholy Graves, a very Old School song that plays on massive Doom/Death sonorities. The sound is sometimes crushing, sometimes energetic, just like the very short Mephitic Gunk Of Putrified Limbs, an aggressive and morbid song as hell that flirts with Grindcore before Sickening Abominations Terrorizing At Night. Once more, the song is catchy and black, allowing musicians to drive us to Below The Mind Of Morbidity, the last song. Longer and still as intense, the song plays on the duality between slow and thick parts, and those fast violence explosions before closing the EP.

Disembodiment’s transition is a success. Mutated Chaos unveils their new identity while offering interesting and aggressive compositions, that will make us wait for the following.


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