Review 649 : Antt – Esoteric Misanthropy – English

Be ready for the first EP from the indian band Antt.

Created in 2020 by Xoitaan (guitar/bass, Agnostic, ex-Antakrit) and Telal Xul (vocals), the band offers us this year Esoteric Misanthropy.

Between Old School Black Metal from the nineties and indian culture, the band crafts a powerful sound. Mystic Winds of Brahmaputra introduces us to traditional sonorities accompanied by a more and more oppressive ambience, then riffs come to life on Chaos – The Earth Eater. We immediately feel that the indians Black Metal takes its source into unholy nordic sonorities, but also into some mysticism thanks to occult sonorities, just like on Esoteric Misanthropy, the second track. Both raw and melodic, the composition mesmerizes us until we directly participate in the ceremony with the introduction of the majestic The Donyi Polo dogma. The song evokes the animist religion of a part of North East India, and surrounds us once more into those occult and shamanic sonorities.

Antt’s mystical universe is unusual by far, and this unique melting makes Esoteric Misanthropy very interesting. Melting something known and unknown, ice-cold and federative, the band’s sound makes us want more.


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