Review 1469 : Swept to Sea – Tides – English

Looking for energy? Swept to Sea will give you some!

Formed in 2019 in the United States, the band consisting of Ernest Munoz (vocals), Jeno Fox (guitar), Gio Fox (guitar), Gabriel Paulos (drums), and Sean Kameny (bass) announces the release of Tides, their debut EP, for late 2022.

After Reign of Terror, a short and mysterious introduction, Crown in Ashes unveils some Old School and jerky roots which still know how to make room for a melancholic clean vocals. The band is clearly inspired by the style’s pioneers and spearheads while adding their raw touch before the heady chorus strikes, followed by a few leads before Hell Called Home offers a lively rhythmic completed by some catchy and softer elements. The musicians still know how to place aggressive patterns which will motivate the audience live, then Shards of Your Reflection gives us a moment of respite before letting heavy riffs and massive screams take over to fuel oppression. The Hardcore bases come out in some vocal parts  which remind us of a well known American band while keyboards come to soften the rage that continues on the well named Unbridled and its aggressive riffs. Everything in this track calls for headbanging and explosive pits under dark and oppressive tones just as Tides Will Turn, the last track, which returns to the Hardcore and Metalcore basis to reveal effective and catchy riffs to allow the band to federate its audience.

Swept to Sea is hungry for the stage, and their first EP makes it easy to understand. Tides goes back to Metalcore roots while borrowing from Hardcore’s raw efficiency to let their riffs make us nod.


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