Review 1585 : FesterDecay – Reality Rotten To The Core – English

FesterDecay are not into softness.

Formed in 2016 in Japan, the band composed of KK2 (vocals), Harufumi Nomiyama (guitar, Viscera Infest), Kamegashira (bass) and Ryozy (drums) will offer two demos, a split with their compatriots Crash Syndrom, a compilation and a single before signing to Everlasting Spew Records for the release of Reality Rotten to the Core, their debut album.

Fourteen tracks, slightly more than half an hour of sound that will delight the fans of the first albums of Carcass, Pharmacist, Gutalax or Torsofuck, here is how the Japanese decided to express themselves. As expected, the sound is thick, groovy and extremely efficient from beginning to end, letting cavernous growls and inhuman screams compete with a chaotic atmosphere fed with blast and saturated riffs, but we also have some crazier vocal parts on Exposing The Skin Tissue or sharp leads like on Fall In Grind, but also on Aborticide, which starts with a disturbing sample. The mix is surprisingly well managed, leaving a place to each instrument without saturation spoiling it, as you can hear on the short tracks like Hash The Tongue and Liquidized Gallbladder which barely made my speakers sizzle, but also on the more « ambient » tracks like From The Dark Tomb that let the band place very slow and quite heavy sounds before charging.

When it comes to violence, FesterDecay exactly knows what to do to remind us of the early days of GoreGrind while maintaining a relatively clean sound for such a pile of aural grease. Throw yourself on Reality Rotten To The Core before it does!


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