Review 1713 : Tattva – Abysmes – English

Tattva releases a new EP.

Created in 2020 in the South of France by multi-instrumentalist J. (vocals/instruments, 1789, Horoh, Invicta Miseria, ex-Infero Lasta), the project has already offered us two EPs and two albums before announcing the release of Abysmes, a third EP, through Drakkar Productions and Viking Digital Music Distribution.

Abysmes, the first track, will see the appearance of Brouillard (Transcendance) at the musician’s side to develop this melancholic and abrasive sound filled with darkness, where macabre screams take root. The atmosphere remains heavy even during the quieter parts, letting dissonance suffocate us before riffs accelerate again, creating a wave of hatred which carries us to Naufrage, a sweet interlude where melodies intertwine to offer us a moment of respite. The sound remains anchored in its dark influences, creating a mysterious but soothing veil which will eventually fade away to let Le Cri grab us by the throat with an Old School approach, transforming vocal parts into ghostly apparitions in this ethereal haze. We will notice some more energetic parts nuanced by heady leads that drive us to this intense and impenetrable wall of oppression, which will end with anguishing lyrics, followed by Buddha 1, a cover of the Czech band Cult of Fire, whose mystical and singular universe sticks the project’s raw approach while faithfully respecting the original work, including the ritualistic parts.

With Abysmes, Tattva continues its path between raw Black Metal and liturgical atmosphere. Whether we perfectly find the blasphemous rage from the style’s roots, the airy elements transform the sound into a moment of contemplation.


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