Review 1722 : Clegane & Fatima – Twin Monster Split – English

Clegane and Fatima join forces.

With their singular mix of Doom Metal, the two Parisian formations both record two tracks, and create their version of the cover to illustrate their Twin Monster Split.

The first part of the EP is occupied by Clegane, who offers a thick but airy sound on Lifeless Barks, notably thanks to bewitching clean vocals. Sludge and Doom are skillfully mixed, sometimes completed by distant and hazy screams before fading away to come back stronger on The War You Never Fail, the next track, which slowly unveils an eerie and dark sound. The saturation will eventually make its appearance again, making the track heavy and throbbing while leaving soothing clean sounds a prominent place to create a catchy contrast which flares up from time to time, alternating vocal parts as well.

Fatima then takes control with a much more energetic sound on Gorgon, a motivating composition where Grunge roots bring a more raw touch to Doom influences. Catchy dissonance and airy vocal parts will eventually fade away as well to let Siamese Ogre propose mystical hovering touches, which combine rather well with the heavier saturated parts, especially in the heady leads that will close the track.

Whether Doom easily unites Clegane and Fatima, it is undeniable that each of the groups has a well marked identity. Whether it is tinged with Sludge or Grunge, Twin Monster Split is surprising!


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