Review 1810 : Static Abyss – Aborted from Reality – English

Second opus for Static Abyss!

Following the release of their debut album in 2022, Greg Wilkinson (guitar/bass, Autopsy, Brainoil…) and Chris Reifert (drums/vocals, Autopsy, ex-Death, ex-Abscess…) set about creating Aborted from Reality, also released on Peaceville Records.

The album kicks off with Aborted from Reality and its morbid but energetic groove, quickly followed by waves of chaotic rage, which only subside to let leads offer their dissonance over the heavy Doom roots. The explosive final leads us into Wormskinned, which develops an oppressive atmosphere before letting vocal parts blend into this heady veil of darkness, which nevertheless accelerates to increase the violence of the sound tenfold. Cathedral of Vomit continues the dark tone with its ominous leads, joined by a haunting rhythm section and powerful vocals, before Cerebral Ghost accelerates the tempo with aggressive Old School sounds. The composition remains highly rhythmic, naturally shifting from slowness to violence, as does Mind Tentacles, which begins with almost melancholic tones before letting fury explode on this short track, followed by the even shorter Poisoned Limbs, which wastes no time in combining dissonance with unbridled blast. Horizons of Cremains returns to suffocating slowness where cavernous vocals reign before the more energetic roots resurface to finally unleash themselves completely before returning to quietness to explode again on Crosses and Coffins, which remains genuinely catchy at all times. The band immediately follows up with Unrepentant Mutant Serpent, which adds disturbing melodies to its effective rhythm, before putting slow and heavy Doom back in the spotlight and marching on to Dehumanized, a less-than-a-minute track that bursts into flames and ends almost instantly, leaving The Static Abyss to oppress us one last time under its dark, ominous riffs, before fading away with a final terrifying howl.

Highly productive, Static Abyss have not cut back on quality with this second album. Aborted From Reality will satisfy fans of morbid Old School sounds, with its devastating Death influences and oppressive Doom roots!


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