Review 2318 : Ad Patres – Unbreathable – English

The wind is blowing again for Ad Patres.

Following their latest recording, released in early 2019, Axel Doussaud (vocals), Olivier Bousquet (guitar) and Mathieu Larroudé (bass), now accompanied by SylverA (guitar, Iron Flesh, ex-Empyreal Vault) and Thibault Faijan (drums, Stormhaven, ex-Nemedian Chronicles) present Unbreathable, their third album, via Non Serviam Records.

The band greets us with a relatively ominous, modern intro, then quickly gets down to its brutal, worked Death Metal on The Dream Chaser, which skilfully blends rage and thick vocal parts. A few well-crafted leads also join in, such as this final solo, before Versus takes over to strike back with a powerful, jerky rhythm that’s sure to please fans of Old School sounds. Deserter, with its scathing Thrash-influenced harmonies, follows as the riffs take us along at full speed, before Exodus continues along this path with explosive patterns that the quintet throws in our faces between two slightly calmer moments. Quietness returns momentarily with Interlude and its strange cybernetic touches, then Chapter X kicks into high gear again, but the composition’s rhythm is relatively changeable, passing from crushing double kick to almost airy moments before sinking us into darkness on The Medium. Although the band keep their violent riffs, they manage to give them a heavier and sometimes even unhealthy tinge before Rebellion Grief returns to this more straightforward approach, while remaining in thoughtful patterns. The album ends with Deus Deceptor, a perfect compromise between the Bordeaux band’s violence and their ability to place piercing leads to complement the ranting, and keep the energy flowing for the final.

Ad Patres‘ presence on the French scene is always appreciated, whether in Death Metal or the extreme scene in general. Unbreathable can only serve their reputation and open more doors for them.


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