Review 2331 : Carnivore Diprosopus – Rise of the Insurrection – English

Carnivore Diprosopus roars again.

More than ten years after their last album, the Colombian band relocated to Spain and led by Mr. Oscarnivore T-666 (vocals, Imperial Execration), Pablo Gonzalez (bass), Jose “Nacho” Rondon (guitar, Landsemk), Andres “Obispo” Zuleta (guitar) and Wilson “Brigadier” Henao (drums, Internal Suffering, Masacre) puts an end to the silence and unveils Rise of the Insurrection, released by Comatose Music.

With an introduction entitled Insurrection Ordinance, the band reassures us that they’re still Brutal Death. The opening riffs are solid, as are the cavernous vocal parts, and so is the Old School approach that governs Begin Redemption, the next composition that’s sure to get your skull shaking as the band unleashes their fury at a steady pace. The mix is coherent, adopting bloody harmonics or slowdowns before jumping on Dhamaneon who accelerates again, distributing his angry moshparts while Mr. Oscarnivore rants. Same patterns for The Battle of the Saicasm (Aerial Predator) where the band lines up breaks and catchy riffs to make us want to punch anyone within range, and the very rare moments of lull only reinforce the next salvo of violence, which will continue to arrive on The Onslaught— Cyborg Tank Division, where they band welcomes Angel Ochoa (Abominable Putridity, Cephalotripsy, Disgorge, ex-Condemned) for a double dose of guttural power. A few more dissonant passages adorn Khristov’s Seventh Eagle Legion, as do the energetic Hardcore influences felt in the jerky rhythm, before the musicians pick up the pace again with The Refaim Machine Brigades and its syncopated riffs bolstered by screaming leads. The final is once again the perfect moment for a few more or less organized crowd movements, and then it’s on to Psycho Mincer Assault Corps, which comes at us at high speed, recreating ever more motivating patterns, until the final section offers a surprisingly more ethereal sound.

Rene Barthoulot (Slamentation) joins the band for Whore Collector of Testicles, a massive bonus track that crushes us from start to finish, continually placing moshparts.

I wasn’t sure whether Carnivore Diprosopus would be returning to the studio, but it was worth the wait, to say the least! Rise of the Insurrection gives us a real half-hour’s worth of violence from start to finish!


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