Review 2508 : In Der Welt – Sungazing – English

A new encounter with In Der Welt.

Less than two years after his debut album, Thomas Dupré (vocals/all instruments) unveils Sungazing, his new EP.

The beginning of the EP confronts us with silence, but Sungazing‘s first cries quickly overwhelm us, complemented by a throbbing rhythm and more soaring harmonics, creating an intriguing shift. A few clean backing vocals appear from time to time to confirm the sense of soothing before giving way to Vexations, a sampled interlude that allows us to breathe before Hung in a Harness returns to the saturated, jerky sound. Dissonant leads amplify the short malaise, followed by Transcendances, where a female voice and piano lead us into Détruire dit-elle, a final composition that once again throws us into the middle of a chaotic ocean as stifling as it is saturated, but which still has a short break to allow us to regain our senses before the final wave of violence.

In Der Welt‘s first album made a strong impression on me, and I’m glad to see that the project continues to move forward, incorporating ever more ideas into its bewildering compositions. Sungazing still has one big flaw: it’s very short.


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