Review 661 : Sumen – Pesthammer over Europe – English

Met Sumen’s Death Metal convinces you.

Created in 2020 in Germany by Michael Schulze (batterie), the band is completed by venezuelian guitarist Felipe Grüber (Distrust), american bassist Not Dan Wood and american singer Chris Bone (Forged in Black, Apostisy), contacted through Fiverr, for Pesthammer over Europe, their first EP.

The EP begins with Diabolical Suffering, the first song born from this collaboration. We find some Old School sound, massive double kick, piercing leads and powerful howlings, like on Pesthammer, the next song. Leads offer a more airy dimension, while we have some very catchy parts into the rhythmic and the phrasing, then Children’s Crusade offers continuous heaviness and violence. Fastness offers a different aspect that sometimes picks into Black/Death, before an unhealthy dissonance. Hexenbrennen (Eternal Fire), the next song, offers a dark introduction before letting angry riffs grab us by the throat. The song is the most violent of the album, but it will finally let place to Don’t Forget to Rock n Roll, some Death’n’Roll hymn with effective and catchy AC/DC inspirations.

Sumen is the output of an international collaboration of musicians that never heard about each other. However, Pesthammer over Europe united them around the same language, called Death Metal. It seems effective!


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