Review 1453 : Nytt Land – Ritual: Blood of the West – English

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Nytt Land is exploring other horizons.

Since 2013, the Siberian duo formed by Natasha « Baba Yaga » Pakhalenko (vocals/folk instruments) and Anatoly « Shaman » Pakhalenko (folk instruments/vocals) has been developing their region’s sounds. With Ritual: Blood of the West, their new EP released in 2022 on Napalm Records, the band turns to Western sounoritiés.

Dark Country. Ritual is the first track to make us sink into this universe, which skillfully mixes the instrumental with Blues/Country influences and throaty vocals coupled with dissonant or more melodic clean parts. The dark dreamy tones gently drive us to The Blues of Ragnarok and its ambient but catchy melancholy, which will even allow a more Rock-oriented guitar solo to come and disturb its airy tranquility. Dead Mans Ballad follows with haunting harmonics, then vocals’ intensity answers to softer parts, diversifying the mix which lulls us before leaving with Song of U-Gra, a track on which the Nordic roots stand out the most. The association of the two sonorities is very fluid, whether on the darker parts or the more soothing moments as well as this harmonica break, then Blood of the West will come to put a final point to the EP, combining again American groovy sounds with an acoustic composition which gently escorts us to the silence.

With this new EP, Nytt Land leaves his comfort zone and explores the sounds from other cultures. However, although it is sometimes far from their habits, Ritual: Blood of the West remains very coherent, and will undoubtedly please.


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