Review 1739 : Sarvekas – Woven Dark Paths – English

Here comes Sarvekas debut album.

Formed in 2019 in Finland, the duo of J.L. (vocals/guitar/bass) and A.A. (drums) released their debut EP the following year, then Woven Dark Paths, their debut album, in 2023 on Soulseller Records.

With Rite Of Transcendence, the first track, the band slowly sets a dark and disturbing universe populated with heady and heavy sounds followed by The Scryer Of Bones’ choking riffs. The impressive rhythmic lets some piercing melodies express themselves, then ghostly screams take over to give these mystical Old School sounds an unreal touch with oriental roots. The wave of darkness will calm down towards the end while developing a warlike approach, then it will explode again with Of Bloodlust & Nightside Sorceries, a real storm of icy and scathing melodies. We find muffled and hazy tones again, perfectly combined with lively leads and creating some more majestic parts, then the sound will slow down to give way to Embers Of Pagan Fire and its more aggressive virulent sounds. The band skillfully integrates diverse vocal parts with an intense epic rhythm, followed by a catchy final which leads us to the haunting Woven Dark Paths which couples visceral screams and transcendent melodies with an unstoppable basis topped with theatrical orchestrations. The final slightly slows down agaon to allow us a short respite before The Austerity Of The Northern Lands unfolds its chilling sounds to drown us in its relentless flow of abrasive but heady sounds. Pagan Black influences are also present in this track’s sharp melodies haunted by the different vocal appearances, but also on Soaring Over The Battlefields and its raw but aggressive riffs. The band also places jerky patterns in this stream of rage, mixing the most suffocating parts with the frantic tempo before that final chilling howl, then the last riffs will fade away to let The Great Winter close the album with a more impressive and martial sound while remaining anchored in an ambient approach populated by dissonant melodies before a soothing end.

Sarvekas‘ debut album confirms the impression left by their previous release, which means mastery of Old School sounds and chilling melodies. Woven Dark Paths will quickly become a must-have for fans of raw riffs.


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