Review 2020 : SAD – Black Metal Craft – English

SAD refines his art.

Since 2005 in Greece, the duo Ungod (instruments, Anti-Flesh, Kvele, Necrohell, Slaughtered Priest, ex-Suicidal Angels…) and Nadir (vocals, Kvele) regularly produce new releases. The musicians have announced the release of Black Metal Craft, their eighth album, for the end of 2023.

With title track Black Metal Craft, the band immediately unveil their grimy, icy Old School Black Metal overlaid by morbid screams with purely Nordic inspirations. Fiery leads temper the aggressive onslaught before a few more heady melodies introduce Crimson Haze, which continues in this frenzied approach interspersed with slower but more majestic parts. The vocal parts become wilder, leaving the vocalist to growl in an almost animal way, before the rhythm gradually returns to lead us into Believe In Evil, an initially relatively soothing composition that doesn’t hesitate to burst into flames to unleash all its violence. The riffs become catchy and relatively accessible, before releasing some sharp melodies, which are also to be found on Catacombs Of Thoughts in a more dissonant vein. Ominous touches run through the track, notably on the slower and more mysterious break before the final surge followed by the very long Sickening Euphoria, where the band spreads all its darkness to suffocate us in its continuous rhythm. The track is fairly regular, offering us an airy muffled pause to allow us to catch our breath before marching back to The Fortune Teller where some passages are once again more oppressive, combining scathing tones with unleashed drums. The upbeat leads are a surprise, compared with the more piercing approach of Blissful Horizon, the next track, which offers waves of dark yet energetic sounds, while also featuring a ritualistic break that has us spellbound. The sound becomes more solid again, before becoming mysterious and haunting on Winds of Grief, a final fairly short instrumental track that explores the duo’s influences while remaining consistent with the previous tracks.

SAD‘s roots are anchored in multi-tone Black Metal, combining cold riffs with raw Old School patterns. Black Metal Craft reminds us of the 90s’ Norwegian sounds, and will please nostalgic fans.


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