Review 2118 : Corpus Diavolis – Elixiria Ekstasis – English

Corpus Diavolis has never given up blasphemy.

Just over two years after the release of their fourth album, the band comprising Daemonicreator (vocals/keyboards), Analyser (guitar), Funeral (bass), King Had (drums) and Martial (backing vocals) collaborate once again with Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions for the release of Elixiria Ekstasis, their fifth production.

The album was once again recorded and mixed by George Emanuel (Lucifer’s Child, ex-Necromantia, ex-Rotting Christ) and illustrated by Khaos Diktator Design (Gorgoroth vocalist). IX (drums) and Kericoff (guitar) join the musicians on stage.

The album opens with His Wine Be Death, an early composition beginning with choirs and an ominous melody before letting dark growls take over a jerky unholy rhythm. The piercing leads add a mysterious touch to the constant blast, also creating a contrast with the final where the choir steps in to accompany us all the way to Key To Luciferian Joy, the next track, where the Old School influences pushed to the extreme easily remind us of one of the Norwegian legends of the style, including the occult vocals. The torrent of darkness slightly calms before giving way to Carnal Hymnody and its soaring ritualistic tones, which become sharper before turning into a veritable avalanche of fury that each musician reinforces with his own instrument and his own hatred before anchoring itself in coldness on Cyclopean Adoration, one of the two longest tracks. The sound here is truly impressive, effortlessly surrounding us with its ethereal atmosphere punctuated by vocal interventions that barely disturb the haunting but relatively melodic procession, even ending up lulling us before imperceptibly slowing down and evaporating. Vessel Of Abysmal Luxury follows with a much more aggressive approach, where blast and massive riffs meet unhealthy vociferations while a few elements make the rare softer parts rather disturbing. The track sinks ever deeper into darkness until its final moments, which are followed by the eruption of The Golden Chamber, which first places a wave of fury before returning to the more sinister elements, then combining the two for a strangely intoxicating experience. The atmosphere changes again with Menstruum Congressus, which replaces the black mass’ disturbing elements before occasionally allowing itself to be overwhelmed by violence, creating a real break between the two universes. Enfleshed In Silence gives us the brief respite we need with an interlude of dreamlike vocals, then the album reaches Chalice of Fornication, the final composition, which envelops us in ten minutes of ethereal desecration, tenebrous dissonance and heretical chants that the vocalists develop to finally invoke an impressive final.

Corpus Diavolis continue to blaze their trail between satanism and sharp Old School riffs. Their approach of Black Metal makes Elixiria Ekstasis a densely-packed ceremony in honor of the dark forces, sure to please its audience.


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