Review 2194 : Swarm – Omerta – English

Swarm speaks again.

To celebrate the band’s tenth anniversary, Rémy Pauck (vocals, Afflicted), Matt Bankowski (guitar, Kaagorah), Antoine Chapet (guitar), Florent Girauldon (bass) and Roman Contenti (drums, Afflicted, Kaagorah) unveil Omerta, their third album.

After two albums and an EP, it’s safe to say that Swarm have found their recipe: groovy, aggressive riffs, vindictive vocals in both English and French, and above all, a capacity to make you want to come and punch your neighbor’s face! Each track is shaped for the stage, and from the very first riffs, you can imagine yourself part of a uniformly belligerent mosh pit as the band set the stage ablaze. Of course, there are a few calmer moments, such as on the melodious Soul Square final, but the band’s main influences are Hardcore and Thrash Metal, as evidenced by Step by Step, Make Your Move and My Inner, which are bursting with energy and have a rather evocative name.

I was quite surprised by the semi-acoustic approach of Dead Inside, which clearly stands out from the crowd by offering a soothing sound but with some more intense passages, as well as by First Class, the last track. Although it begins in relatively classic fashion, quickly melting into the wild patterns complemented by the usual saturated vocals and backing vocals, the track is strangely long, allowing the band to place a highly polished instrumental section at the center, while keeping the catchy roots, making the eight minutes pass in no time!

A successful gamble for Omerta, who make their mark on the Hardcore/Thrash/Groove landscape with effective and powerful compositions. Swarm are sure to stir up their audience with this third album, which allows them to celebrate their decade in style!


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