Review 1149 : Beyond The Structure – Scrutiny – English

Beyond The Structure celebrates its ten years with a second album.

Created in 2012 in Estonia, the band composed of Artjom Balakshin (guitar), Yaroslav Luzin (bass), Simo Atso (drums) and Edgar Balabanov (vocals) announces Scrutiny at Vicious Instinct Records for 2022. The album is mastered by Colin Marston (Gorguts, Behold the Arctopus, Krallice…) and illustrated by W. Smerdulak (1914, Katalepsy, Corpsessed, Rotting Christ…).

We begin on Endless Cycles and its fast-paced aggressiveness which also lets place to powerful howlings. Riffs are as worked as effective, creating a melting between raw sonorities and extreme technicality, but some haunting leads drive us to Progressors and its devastating fastness. The band definitely knows to handle complexity to make it interesting and hooking, like this heavy break which will probably unleash moshers on the pit, then harmonics enhanced by bass offer us virulent melodies before Worms of Consumption comes to crush us with its straightforward strength. Violence meets an extreme effectiveness borrowed from Brutal Death while Portal to Eternity offers a Prog-oriented groove. The sound is still anchored into raw violence, but we feel an as melodic as brutal complexity, but the song is long and allows musician a total freedom before Fictional Reality and its contrasted Prog roots come. Technicality meets violence to create some hooking temporisation, but groovy elements are still here to add some quietness before Numerous Existences offers a massive dissonance which covers Old School patterns. The contrast will please all the Death Metal lovers, then Mass Psychosis will offer soaring leads to walk with the rhythmic’s effectiveness to end the album.

If you’re as much into Brutal Death, Old School Death Metal as Technical Death Metal, Beyond The Structure is the and you were waiting for. Scrutiny will melt the three influences with effective, catchy and soaring riffs, offering an interesting openness.


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